Trademark Registration in the India
Why register a trademark?
Trademarkers.com will process your trademark registration in the India through the following steps:
File your Trademark Application
With a legally registered trademark, you gain several benefits:
- Potential copycats are deterred from infringing on your brand
- The ability of other brands to claim that you are infringing on their trademark is severely diminished
Our licensed Trademark Agency in India will handle your trademark request, check all formalities, and then file with the Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade Ministry of Commerce and Industry (IPIndia). You will receive confirmation of filing and a copy of the filing request. We will contact you immediately if any subsequent office actions require additional information, or if there are any opposition in India against your application.
After the formal examination at the Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade Ministry of Commerce and Industry the trademark will be published for opposition to allow third parties to oppose if they believe that the mark infringes on their brands. The opposition period in India is 4 months after publication. You will receive status updates as soon as your mark is published, and any actions the Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade Ministry of Commerce and Industry will take if oppositions are received.
If no oppositions arise and your trademark is formally approved, you can expect registration within 12 to 14 months.
Pricing Table
Prices are in U.S Dollars
Classes | Word Only | Design Only or Combined Word and Design | ||
Step 1 |
Trademark Registration Request |
First Class | $390.00 | $390.00 |
Each Additional Class | $390.00 | $390.00 | ||
Step 2 |
Trademark Certificate Request |
First Class | Free | Free |
Each Additional Class | Free | Free |
Prices include all official and professional fees. Prices do not include legal defenses in case of oppositions or objections
Timeframe of the trademark registration process is only an estimate and it may vary considerably if any objections and/or oppositions are presented, or other events occur during the trademark registration process.
* Any administrative and courier fees will be billed separately.